AmigaOS3.5 (194/967)

Date:5 May 2000 at 06:18:13
Subject:Re: A practical(?) OS 3.5 suggestion

Hello, Gregory.

You wrote at 05-Mai-00 concerning "*[amigaOS3_5] A practical(?) OS 3.5 suggestion*":

GD> Hi,

GD> Could I suggest--if at all possible--that there be a way to set
GD> ONE standard height & width width for the asl file requester (and
GD> option to center it on-screen) that all applications would then be
GD> forced to use?

GD> I apologize in advance if this has already been suggested; it's
GD> just that right now virtually every app uses a different size and
GD> placement for the same requester. :-\

It doesn't make much sense putting those suggestions to this list.
Go and tell it Haage&Partner.

Regards, Armin

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